The Cathedral Church Of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

confident, compassionate and successful


F a i t h

Middle School Home Learning 8th March 2021



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




How do people manage feelings and emotions in different situations?

Complete the ‘Think, do, feel’ activity sheet.

Pretend to be different parts of a storm and write short descriptive paragraph about a storm.


Read the Wizard of Oz PowerPoint (see Tapestry).

Choose one of the characters and write a character description.

Make a story map of the Wizard of Oz.

Then design a setting for your own similar story and write a setting description.





Please attend the Teams sessions and complete the work on Tapestry.


Class 6


Months and years



Roman Numerals up to XII


Hours in a day


AM and PM


Measuring time in seconds


Class 7


Months and Years


Y3 - Hours in a Day Hours;

Y4 - Minutes and seconds


Telling the time introduction


Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes (Y3 recap)

Telling the time to the nearest minute (Y3 recap)

Class 8


Months and years


Hours, minutes and seconds

Telling the time introduction


Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes (Y3 recap)

Telling the time to the nearest minute (Y3 recap)




Write a diary entry as Mary for Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday,

showing how her feelings changed through the week.




Please select an activity from the Home Learning packs available on Tapestry.



1 – Set up a biomass investigation using fruit peelings. Please see instructions on Tapestry.

Monitor the appearance of the fruit peelings (and the temperature if possible) each day and record your results.
2 – Write a title, prediction and method to investigate which pair of shoes is better for running 100m – trainers or wellies.

Write a title, prediction and method for your biomass investigation

Carry out the shoe investigation.

Mark out a distance and run twice, once wearing trainers and once wearing wellies (or another pair of shoes if you don’t have wellies)

Record your times and draw a bar graph for the data.

Watch How can we communicate our results? ( and write your conclusion for both experiments.




In Purple Mash, use 2Graph to present the data from one of your science experiment using a graph.






 If you require any additional support please contact your teacher via Tapestry