The Cathedral Church Of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

confident, compassionate and successful


F a i t h

Middle School Home Learning 15th March 2021



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




Write your story

(ensure that you have included speech, action and description).

Continue to write your story

(don’t forget ambitious vocabulary and extended noun phrases)


Continue to write your story

(think about your paragraphs)

 Edit your story

Creative writing





Please attend the Teams sessions and complete the work on Tapestry.


Class 6


Can I tell the time




Can I tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes?



 Can I tell the time to the nearest minute?


Class 7


Can I tell the time





Using AM and PM


Analogue to digital

Digital to analogue

Class 8


Using an analogue clock:-

Quarter Past/Quarter To

5 minute intervals (past)

5 minute intervals (to)

1 minute intervals (past)

1 minute intervals (to)


Waste Week


Plan and create a collage of the American flag using recycled paper/sweet wrappers etc.


Look at the food packaging PowerPoint and learn about how food was kept fresh in the past.


Help in the garden by planting or find out how to make your own compost.




Please select an activity from the Home Learning packs available on Tapestry.



Research what makes up a community and think of 3 wishes for your local area.

Remember these need to help the whole community.




Check how much food waste your family creates over the week.

Create a power point explaining why we should not waste food.






 If you require any additional support please contact your teacher via Tapestry