The Cathedral Church Of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

confident, compassionate and successful


F a i t h

Middle School Home Learning 10th May 2021



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




 Read the story on Tapestry

Write down any questions you have and clarify any word meanings using a dictionary.

Write a summary of the story.

 Look at the first two paragraphs of the story.

Underline any words or phrases that suggest the story is set in a different country.


Think of a European country.

Research your chosen country, thinking about landmarks and facts that might be interesting to weave into your own European story.

Present the information you found in lesson 3 in a non-chronological report. Remember to group similar ideas together.




Please attend the Teams sessions and complete the work on Tapestry.


Class 6


1 – Can I compare and order unit fractions?

2 – Can I recognise tenths?

3 – Can I recognise tenths as decimals?

4 – Can I find the whole from a part?

5 – Can I recognise non-unit fractions?


Class 7


1 – Can I compare and order unit fractions?

2 – Can I find the whole from a part?

3 – Can I recognise non-unit fractions?

4 – Y3 - Can I recognise one whole; Y4 – Can I recognise fractions greater than one whole?

5 – Fractions on a numberline



Class 8


1 – Can I count in fractions?

2 – Can I recognise fractions greater than 1?

3 – Can I compare and order fractions?

4 – Equivalent fractions





If you have not yet carried out your investigation, see whether you can investigate how far sound can travel at home.

Record your results and write a conclusion for what you have found.




Time yourself holding balances. Find one that is easy to hold and one that is challenging to hold for 10 seconds.



Go into 2Animate and explore using the onion skin tool

(it looks a bit like an onion and allows you to duplicate an image, changing a little bit each time to animate your image)




Can I explain how the Haggadah is used during the Seder meal?

Watch to find out more about the Seder meal and to find out what the Haggadah is.

As you watch, make notes.




Look at the PowerPoint about Medicines and complete a poster about how to safely use them.



 If you require any additional support please contact your teacher via Tapestry