The Cathedral Church Of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

confident, compassionate and successful


F a i t h

Middle School Home Learning 17th May 2021



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




1 – Can I plan a story set in another culture?

2-4 – Can I write a story set in another culture?

5 – Can I write creatively?




Please attend the Teams sessions and complete the work on Tapestry.


Class 6


1 – Can I recognise one whole?

2 – Can I recognise fractions on a number line?

3 – Can I compare non-unit fractions?

4 – Can I add fractions?

5 – Can I subtract fractions?


Class 7


1 – Can I compare non-unit fractions?

2 – Can I add fractions? (Y4 to include fractions greater than 1)

3 – Can I subtract fractions (Y4 subtract from whole amounts)

4 – Can I recognise equivalent fractions?

5 – Can I recognise equivalent fractions?



Class 8


1 – Can I order fractions?

2 - Can I add fractions?

3 – Can I subtract fractions?

4-5 – Can I recognise equivalent fractions?





Watch Sewing a mobile phone cover - BBC Teach Research different European flags.

Consider which flags would be easiest to make.

Which ones would be more difficult?

Choose your flag and draw out your design, showing where you would join pieces together.




Time yourself holding balances. Find one that is easy to hold and one that is challenging to hold for 10 seconds.



Go onto 2animate and make an animation.

Add sound and a background to your animation.




Write a prayer to go in the class prayer book.




Ourselves, growing and changing

What is special about us?

How are we all different?

What makes me me?

Create a collage representing you.

Include your qualities, religion, relationships, likes and dislikes etc



 If you require any additional support please contact your teacher via Tapestry