The Cathedral Church Of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

confident, compassionate and successful


F a i t h

Upper School Home Learning 22nd March 2021









You MUST make sure that you are reading every day! Make sure you create a

Home Reading Thread on Tapestry and update it each day to show us what you are reading.

Throughout the week, you need to also complete either:

1 activity on ReadTheory and 1 activity on BugClub;

2 activities on ReadTheory; or,

2 activities on BugClub.



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday



Can I use new information about a main character to write an internal monologue?

Look at the resource provided on Tapestry (English Day 1 Resource) and record all the information you know about Ellie.

You need to look at the WAGOLL provided and complete your own monologue.


Can I select a key moment in OOTT to revisit in character as Ellie and produce an internal monologue for?

You need to select another point of the story to include an internal monologue from Ellie’s perspective.

Write the opening to the monologue and make and organise notes.


Can I write an internal monologue?

Look at the internal monologue produced as a class.

Select two or three sentences/clauses which they particularly like and look to replicate these ideas within your own writing.

You need to write Ellie’s internal monologue using the opening and notes prepared in the previous lesson.

Ensure the conclusion of your internal monologue leads back into the story.



Rule: Challenge Words

There are two activities uploaded onto Tapestry for you to complete and there are games on Spelling Shed for you to play as well.





Year 5

(see resources on Tapestry)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



Can I add and subtract wholes and decimals?

Add and subtract numbers with decimals from whole numbers.

Highlight that whole numbers are written without a decimal point.

There may misconceptions when recording integers, link this to a place value grid?


Can I multiply decimals by 10, 100 or 1000?

Look at moving the counters to the left in order to multiply by multiples of 10.

Moving on from this, children can move digits to the left in a place value grid to support understanding.


Can I divide decimals by 10, 100 or 1000?

Use the place value chart to support the understanding of moving digits to the right.

Building on the previous step, the importance of the place holder is crucial.

Can I recognise decimal numbers in sequence?

Look at decimal sequences and create simple rules.

For example: adding 0.5.

What does increasing and decreasing mean?

Is the sequence increasing? By how much?




Year 6

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



Can I multiply decimals by 10, 100 or 1000?

Look at moving the counters to the left in order to multiply by multiples of 10.

Moving on from this, children can move digits to the left in a place value grid to support understanding.




Can I divide decimals by 10, 100 or 1000?

Use the place value chart to support the understanding of moving digits to the right.

Building on the previous step, the importance of the place holder is crucial.




Can I multiply decimals by integers?

Children use concrete resources to multiply decimals and explore what happens when you exchange with decimals.

Children use their skills in context and make links to money and measures.



Can I divide decimals by integers?

Children continue to use concrete resources to divide decimals and explore what happens when exchanges take place.

Children build on their prior knowledge of sharing and grouping when dividing and apply this skill in context.





Can I consider the impact of Jesus’ example in the world today?

You are going to researching the life of a Christian who has made sacrifices in order to follow Jesus. You can choose from:

Martin Luther King

Mother Theresa

Jackie Pullinger

Desmond Tutu

You can choose how to present your research whether it be a Power Point or poster to explain who your person was/is; what your chosen person does/did that spreads Jesus’ message, helps to serve others or both; and, why it might be/might have been difficult for these people to carry out their work.




See online Resources – Spring Term Home PE (B)

Choose from the 10 activities in Pack B – try as many as you can and record your times and scores on your

PE Active Planner to put on Tapestry to share with your teacher.




Can I edit a story-based adventure?

Continue using 2Create in Adventure Story mode.

They complete working from their adventure-game design and test and debug each other’s stories to ensure they are fit for use.


Design & Technology

Can I explain how to complete a cross stitch?

If you have the materials at home to complete your river cross stitch, follow the pattern you created in lock down to produce a river themed tapestry.

If you do not have the materials, please complete these alternative activities.


Can I explain how to complete a cross stitch?

Research how a cross stitch is completed (type beginner’s cross stitch into the search bar) and make some notes.

Use your notes to write a set of instructions on how to complete a cross stitch.

Can I create a final product?

Recreate the pattern that you designed in lock down using mixed medias.

You need to use at least three different materials for your final picture – these could be art supplies, food stuffs or natural materials.




Can I recognise times when it appropriate and necessary to break a confidence?

Consider these key questions
What might stop someone from wanting to tell someone else a secret?

Can a secret put someone at risk? Is telling a secret the same as telling tales?

If a secret that might mean someone was hurt or unsafe, was kept, could it put them at further risk?

When should a confidence be broken?



Can I construct a piece of text in French?

You need to recall all of the vocabulary that we have learnt over the course of the last two terms

you can use the Kahoot quizzes from a couple of weeks ago if you would like to.

You need to make sure that you have included all of the information that you need to: your name, age, where you live; a physical and character description of yourself; details of the family members that you live with; and details of any pets that you have.

Upload a finish version of your booklet to Tapestry.

If you require any additional support please contact your teacher via Tapestry